SF Annual Faculty Art Show Opens Nov. 18

November 18 at 1:14 p.m.

Santa Fe’s visual arts professors will showcase their talents at the Santa Fe Gallery during the Visual Arts Annual Faculty Show, Nov. 18 through Jan. 19.

In keeping with the tradition of past shows, Santa Fe will host an opening mixer from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18 at the Santa Fe Gallery in M-147, where the public can interact with the faculty artists. A live jazz duo will provide entertainment, with refreshments catered by Blue Water Bay.

The faculty art show has been an annual event on campus since the 1980s. Over 60 new works by SF faculty members are on display this year including, photography, ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, mixed media and acrylic diptych.

One faculty member was thrilled to have the opportunity to revisit his passion this year. Photographer Ray “Shooter” Hale recently went back to doing portraiture after stretching into other areas of photography for a while.

“I have five pieces in the show, three of which are portraits and the other two are political commentary pieces, just for fun,” Hale said. “Portraiture is what I really love doing, especially capturing facial expressions and body language.”

Hale also commented on how technology has changed over the years since the faculty art show first began.

“My portraits in the show this year were done using 50-year-old technology. I had to scan and print them digitally because I can no longer get the chemicals to make color prints from negatives,” Hale said.

As Hale looked to the past for inspiration, SF Art Professor Stacey Breheny delved into new territory. Breheny will exhibit her plein aire landscape paintings in the show.

Plein aire is French word that means ‘open air’ or ‘outside,'” Breheny explained. “There is a whole culture of painting outside. It’s only one component of what I do as an artist, but something I’ve been more involved with in recent years.”

Breheny went on to illustrate the growing popularity of plein aire events. Roughly 20 to 40 artists participate in these events, where everyone gathers in a scenic place to paint. Usually the event is organized by a conservation or historic charity. As the paintings are sold, the money raised goes to the organization, with a percentage going to the artist as well. Several pieces Breheny will display in the show were painted while participating in “Painting the Region,” a plein aire event for the North Florida Land Trust in Jacksonville.

As technology moves forward and some things are left in the past, one thing is for sure; the Faculty Art Show will continue to be a staple at Santa Fe for years to come.

For more information, visit the Gallery webpage Contact: Jayné Grant, gallery director, 395-5464.

~ this press release was written by Amanda Hernandez, Communications Specialist, College Relations