SF Alum Returns to Exhibit Photography

July 15, 2011

The new exhibit, "Impressions: Art and Culture as One" by Santa Fe grad Lisa Jackson will hang in the President's Hall Gallery from July 19 through Aug. 17. The exhibit features Jackson's photography, inspired by the people and places that fascinate her. Jackson traveled across China, Tibet, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Hawaii and the San Juan Islands from 2006 to 2009, documenting her journey with a Canon digital camera.

Hands-on experience in dark room photography, under the tutelage of Ray Hale, gave Jackson the skills to pursue photography as more than just a hobby. Jackson graduated cum laude from Santa Fe (class of 2001) with an emphasis in art and human health, and went on to Palm Beach College and then Columbia University's Teacher College, where she studied to become a holistic health teacher.

"Throughout all my studies, I see the world as my greatest classroom," Jackson said. "Having also traveled throughout Europe and volunteered in the West Indies, I have had the opportunity to study and record a variety of cultures."

Jackson's diversified training and compassion for life enable her to recognize and capture artistic features of two-dimensional composition, and to see "art and culture as one." (Click on the photos for a larger view.)

The President's Hall Gallery is located on the second floor of the Alan J. Robertson Administration Building on SF's Northwest campus, 3000 NW 83rd St. All exhibits are free and open to the public during normal college hours, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays.

For more information, contact Gallery Director Jayné Grant at 352-381-5464 or visit the Gallery webpage.

~ This press release was written by Amanda Hernandez, Communication Specialist, College Relations