Calling All Scrabble Lovers!

September 1 at 4:03 p.m.

This message is from Professor Naima Cherie Brown:

“I have started a new club, Scrabble Lovers of Gainesville, and I want to invite interested members of the SFC family to join. If you love Scrabble like I do, then you know exactly why I started this group! And you also know why you want to join this group…to play Scrabble, and to play Scrabble, and to play Scrabble. So join the group! Then plan to come to the monthly meeting.


First meeting is Sept. 7

“The meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of every month from 5:30 until 8:30 p.m. The first meeting is September 7. Bring your Scrabble board, bring your Scrabble dictionary, and bring your A-game. (Don’t worry if you don’t have your own board and dictionary, I will bring a few). The meeting room at the Tower Road Library has been reserved for 3 hours. This means that each person can get in at least three (two-player) games during each meeting.

  • Game #1 will be from 5:40-6:30 p.m.
  • Game #2 will be from 6:35-7:25 p.m.
  • Game #3 will be from 7:30-8:20 p.m.

You can pick and choose which games you want to play. Just show up in time for the time slot that interests you. Players will have 25 minutes each for every game. That way, each game between two people lasts no more than 50 minutes. Feel free to bring your own snacks! Note: This group is open to the public. So, inform and/or bring along Scrabble lovers that you know.

For more information, call Naima at 352-395-4477.

Scrabble Lovers of Gainesville online