Dan McKinnon Inspirational Colleague Award

May 5 at 10:20 a.m.

Steve Yongue honored at Career and Technical Education Spring Awards

This year’s winner is a member of Santa Fe’s College Relations office, which works to directly market the Career and Technical Education programs.

This person is a veritable magician by taking the convoluted, fragmented, and sometimes crude ideas of program staff and converting them into crisp, cogent, and attractive marketing themes. He has directly contributed to the phenomenal growth of public interest in our programs. He is the quintessential team player who cherishes the creative ideas and advice of others, regardless of their position or status.

However, what makes Steve Yongue inspirational is his ubiquitous smile, embracing warmth, and deep empathy toward each life he touches. Steve’s genuine passion for his vocation and joy of life transcend the daily grind of work and make all of us who know him care even more about our own jobs. In fact, his favorite person and most valued program is the one he’s working with at that very moment. Steve treasures each individual success as a force for the greater good of our Career and Technical Education family.

Ultimately, there is no better model of the dignity and grace that is implied by this prestigious award than Steve Yongue. To meet Steve is to meet an instant friend who brings out the very best in all of us.


Editor’s Note: Steve Yongue is the Media Design Coordinator for College Relations. Steve has worked full-time for the college for 10 years, after working part time here while he earned his A.S. degree in Graphic Design. He is single parenting his daughters, Soleil, 13, on the left, and Siyah, 10. Steve is the epitome of the “above and beyond” employee.

~submitted by Scott Fortner, Former President, Alachua Association for Career and Technical Education