Relay for Life Fundraisers

April 8, 2010

Santa Fe is halfway to its $5,000 goal for this year's Relay for Life campaign. Help us reach our goal by donating in one of the upcoming fundraisers.

SF Relay for Life t-shirts are now available for a $10 donation. Contact one of these Relay groups to buy your shirt:

On Tuesday, April 13, we will be tabling at the Blount Center Spring Fling from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can donate by buying moons and stars, decorating a luminaria bag or by getting a sweet from our bake sale.

On Thursday, April 15 we will be having a tamale lunch prepared by Delia Carr for $5. Please contact Delia Carr at 395-5235 if interested in pre-ordering your lunch.

On Friday, April 16, all five of our Santa Fe teams will be out at the track participating in this year's Relay for Life. We hope everyone will come out to support our teams. Each team will have fundraisers taking place all night. The event starts at 6 p.m. and runs through the night, ending at 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 17.