Art Show Fires Up Santa Fe Gallery

September 15 at 10:15 a.m.

Last Friday’s opening of the Digital Media Faculty Show, “Light. Form. Fire.” was super cool, with photographs, paintings, sculpture, ceramics, mosaics, etc., plus  multimedia such as video and animation.

The show is open noon-4 p.m. in the Santa Fe Gallery in M-147 through Nov. 5 if you’d like an “art break.” You can also view the multimedia elements on YouTube (below).

In the photo are Rhonda Peyton, Dr. Sasser, Bonita Dewiliby, Wesley Lindberg, Jorge Ibanez, and Maarc Shahboz.



American bicentennial (Jorge Ibanez)

Ceramic Tiles Gallery (Bonita Dewiliby)

Lights Out for Turtles! (Wesley Lindberg)

Artist Inspiration (Wesley Lindberg)

Immortal (Marc Shahboz)