Career and Job Placement

The Career and Job Placement Center offers job search assistance and consultations to help you plan for your future. We are located at the Northwest campus, Building S, room 249 or consultations can be held through Zoom, phone or email. Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please stop by or email or call 352-395-5822.

We're Here To Help

Student on computer while sitting on a bench on SF's Northwest CampusNew to the College? You can learn more about resources that will help you succeed on the Student Resources webpage.

Can’t make it to campus? The Remote Student Services page can be a helpful resource for finding updated contact information and instructions for scheduling appointments with different offices. Be sure to use your free SF Zoom account for classes and appointments.


Career planning doesn’t begin when you graduate. It begins the first day you enter college.

The purpose of Career and Job Placement Services is to continuously foster partnerships with students, alumni, employers, faculty, staff, administrators and the greater community.

We support student success by providing students and alumni with the tools necessary to bridge education with employment while promoting lifelong career development. Whether you need full-time, part-time or internship opportunities, we are here to help.



Our Services

  • Career Advising and Exploration
  • Career Assessments
  • Employer-Student Meet-ups
  • Career Related Workshops, Webinars, and Events
  • Career Resources
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Job Search Strategies
  • Mock Interviews and Interview Preparation
  • Resume, Cover Letter and Thank You Letter Assistance