Adult Education


Develop basic skills that you can use to obtain employment and enable your success in college, the community and the workplace. Santa Fe College Adult Education provides:

  • A supportive, nurturing environment with lots of teacher attention
  • Classes that start where you are now and help you get to the next level
  • Many choices for many classes that prepare you for real jobs
  • Inclusion and belonging – with classes that meet the needs of all

The goal of SF's Adult Education program is to help you develop basic skills that you can use to obtain employment and enable your success in college, the community and the workplace.


In order to enroll in our programs, you must meet the SF Adult Education program entry requirements. Not all programs are offered every semester and some have an additional cost.

Fees: Classes cost $30 per semester. Learn more about Tuition Costs and Due Dates here.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)/GED Preparation

Improve your skills, prepare for the GED® and get training needed to further your education. Improving upon these basic skills will help you prepare for the next stage in your life.

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English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

Our ESOL program offers adults all levels of English classes, from learning to read English to preparing for college-level courses. Improve your educational or work opportunities.

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Adult Basic Education (ABE)

If you want to improve your skills, prepare for the GED®, and get training to prepare you for further education and careers, the SF Adult Education program is for you. Work in a classroom, online, or in an individualized learning lab staffed by trained, caring instructors. Take advantage of career preparation classes, individual assistance and workshops all designed to help you prepare for your next steps.

Learn more about ABE here

GED® Preparation

After you refresh your Adult Basic Education skills, begin preparing for the GED®. You will get the opportunity to take GED® Ready tests, practice using the GED® calculator, and study targeted GED® skills. When you and your instructors think you are ready, you can sign up at to schedule your official GED® test. When you pass the GED® tests, you will earn a State of Florida high school diploma, which will enable you to pursue further education and advance in the job market.

Learn more about GED Preparation here

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

Do you need better English skills for daily life and to improve your work or educational opportunities? Our goal is to develop your career pathway while helping you learn the English you need to succeed in the United States. We offer all levels of English classes, from students learning to read English to students preparing for college courses or applying for jobs. At each level, you will practice speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar.

Learn more about ESOL here

Adult Education Pathways

Students in any of the Adult Education programs are eligible to take Adult Education Pathways classes. Some of these classes have special enrollment requirements, additional fees or they may be offered at select campus sites. Students will be given additional information on these classes in student advisement sessions.

Learn more about Adult Education Pathways here

Project SAINT

Project SAINT stands for Student Access and INclusion Together and is a comprehensive post-secondary transition program for students with intellectual disabilities. Project SAINT students participate in a program tailored to their skills and interests or can enter two specialized programs: the Horticulture Agriculture Pathway (HAP) or the Artist Entrepreneur Pathway (AEP). Housed in the Adult Education Department at Santa Fe College's Northwest Campus, SAINT students receive the part-time support of SF student mentors whether in classes, on internships, or participating in campus activities.

Learn more about Project SAINT here
