Proposed Change to the Santa Fe College By-Laws
September 25, 2018
September 25, 2018 – The Santa Fe College Senate is proposing a change to its By-Laws Article I, Section A concerning the filling of officer vacancies. The following is the text of the proposed changes:
ARTICLE I: Officers of the College Senate
Section A. Filling Vacancies
- If the Presiding Officer of the Executive Council assumes the presidency, resigns from office, or is unable to continue serving, the Executive Council shall appoint a Presiding Officer for the remainder of the College Senate year. An individual so appointed may not assume the presidency as provided in paragraph 1; therefore, if there is a vacancy in the presidency and the current Presiding Officer has been appointed, the Executive Council shall conduct a special election of the College Senate for the purpose of electing a President.
- If the Secretary resigns or is unable to continue serving, the Executive Council shall appoint a Secretary for the remainder of the College Senate year.