

Florida Heritage Foods Menu

Common name

Scientific Name

Sechium edule

Other Common Names

Historical Significance

Cultural Significance

Cooking With Chayote

Chayote Au Gratin

Ensalada de Chayote y Habichuelas Tiernas (Chayote and Green Bean Salad)

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Chayotes Rellenos (Chayote Squash Stuffed with Picadillo)

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Chayote Squash Hash

For more heritage foods recipes Chayote Plant Card PhotoChayote Plant Card Photo More Heritage Plant Cards

Growing Tips

Chayote is a perennial vine that grows vigorously and requires a lot of space. It grows well in rich soil and is often used to cover livestock pens. It can be planted directly via the seed or the entire or transplanted from April through June because the vines are frost sensitive. Chayote should be ready to harvest in October and November and can be stored at around 55 degrees wrapped in newspaper. To plan a heritage garden, download the ‘Planning a Florida Heritage Garden (PDF).’

Chayote References and Resources