Project Director Review

Congratulations! You have successfully secured the funding for your project.

Our goal is to help your project run smoothly and easily. Please completely familiarize yourself with the following information that you will need to manage your grant. Each new project begins with a Kick-Off meeting, our office will schedule that meeting for you. We look forward to working with you. Please always know, we are here to help you.

What is your first and primary resource to manage your grant?

Download Sponsored Projects Handbook.

Note: The link is also located on our Sponsored Project homepage so you can access the handbook PDF anytime.

Finance and eStaff information session.

Please watch this video: Grants 101: Unraveling The Financial Mysteries of eStaff by Beth Groff, Comptroller, Office for Finance.

Please review Santa Fe College's policy on Harassment and the National Science Foundation Notice on Harassment.


How do I spend the funds provided by my grant including buying supplies and hiring consultants for my grant? Please visit the SF Purchasing webpage for more information.

Must every purchase be approved in advance? To ensure budget exists for a department’s purchase, make sure requisitions are submitted *prior* to any work taking place or any items ordered. Even for reimbursements (which are to only be used when absolutely necessary), the purchase order should be in place before the individual makes the purchase.

Human Resources

Are there any "differences" between grant staff and other staff of the college? Santa Fe College treats grant staff and other staff the same in all ways.

If a grant pays for salary either as a cash budget line item or as part of the College’s commitment to the project (cost-share), then that time must be documented.

How is the percentage of time and effort documented? Effort is measured as a percent of the employee’s total employment obligation. Percent effort represents the portion of time an employee spends on each employment activity and is expressed as a percent of the employee’s total activity, including non-grant funded activities. Total activity equals 100% effort and may not exceed 100%.

The percent effort is not based on a typical 40-hour work week. Total college effort is 100% of time regardless of the number of hours worked (for example, a typical work week may be 20 hours for one individual and 60 hours for another).

Who must complete time and effort certification on the SF Personnel Activity Report form?

  • Employees with any portion of their salary charged directly to grants and
  • Employees whose efforts are used to satisfy a required or voluntary cost share on grants

Time and Effort

What is the method of tracking time and effort that is approved by the college?

Download Personnel Activity Report - Time and Effort (Excel format) here.


It is the project director's responsibility to make sure expenses for the grant program are allowable and charged properly. It is also the project director's responsibility to make sure proper documentation for program costs are obtained, provided and retained as required.

When can you start spending your grant budget? Upon receipt of an award notification for a grant program, the SPO requests that the Office of Finance set up a new account. A copy of the award letter, budget, and approved Board Item must be included in the request. No funds can be encumbered or spent until this process is complete.

Who is your primary resource and contact for questions about your grant budget? Dennis O’Hearn in the Finance Office is your primary contact. Christine Weeks is also part of the grants team in Finance. Beth Groff is the Comptroller.


What characteristics define grant deliverables? Specific, measurable, timeline are components of the deliverables. Sponsored Projects staff will work with you to develop the Deliverable Chart for your project.

Travel – College Rules and Guidelines

Where do you find information about travel including student travel?

SF's Travel Manual

Santa Fe College's rule for submission of documents to the Office of Advancement

What is the required timeline for submission of project reports to the Office for Advancement? All documents must be submitted at least 5 days before the agency due date.

What department do I contact about marketing and communications?

Visit SF's Marketing & Communications department for more information.

Authority for Contracts

Who has the authority to sign contracts or to give authority to sign contracts? Only the College’s Board of Trustees may sign contracts or give authority to sign contracts.

College employees are not authorized to sign any agreement unless the Board of Trustees has given that authority per Board rule or through an item specifically brought before the Board. Submit all contracts (or other documents) associated with a purchase that requires a signature to Purchasing (David Shlafer) when you submit your requisition.